
Shutting Down URL and Activity for This Page

It's been my pleasure to share my perspectives on our neighborhood here. As my wife and I prepare to head to the southwest I will be discontinuing activity on this site effective 11/1/10. The URL ( will cease to exist in the very near future.  The content from this page will be available at for those who desire access for historical (or hysterical) purposes. Thanks for following...... /guy

My Time in Pine Brook is Coming to a Close

To the readers/followers of this blog/website - many may know - some may not - after nearly 26 years in our wonderful neighborhood, my wife and I are preparing to move on.  You may have noticed my postings to this site have come to a virtual standstill.  Preparations are underway for our move to our next "great adventure" in Tucson, AZ. 

Most of my attention has been focused on finding employment in Tucson and preparing our house on the Creek for sale.  If you have any contacts in Tucson, please let me know ( - I'm working hard at expanding my network of contacts in that area.  Likewise - should you know of anyone interested in living in Pine Brook on the Creek, tell them to be on the lookout for the "For Sale" signs which hopefully will be "popping up" sometime in November.

I have enjoyed sharing insights and photos of our great community, our neighbors and the surrounding area.  We will miss the friends and acquaintances we've made, but also look forward to making new ones in our future home.

Thanks to all who have contributed to our wonderful experience in Pine Brook.  Our best wishes for continued success to Pine Brook and our neighbors which are the true fabric of the community.  /guy


"Let Freedom Ring"

wishing you a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.....


Just Can't Get My Fill of Sunsets Over the Creek

Just in case you missed this tonite.....

Orrs Bridge


Something Very Special Just Outside the Neighborhood

Looking for a nice walk or bike ride.  Try a stroll along Prowell Drive (just across Orrs Bridge Rd from the entrance to Lamp Post Lane).  What were once "summer getaway cottages" are now permanent residences - still retaining their old charm.  Ahh - life along the creek!!

And now there's another reason to visit. Stroll to the end of Prowell Drive and you'll come upon a Memorial Garden that has been created to honor loved ones who played important roles in our lives. Its beautiful setting along the creek is a fitting tribute.  The Garden can also be reached by a short walk downstream from the Rotary Club Park.  If you've never visited the Rotary Club Park along Orrs Bridge Rd., stop in sometime. Nestled in along the creek, this shaded area is great for relaxing or taking a stroll along the beautiful creek.

So - get out and explore!  It's amazing what lies just beyond our front doors.

More information about the Memorial Garden and the organization behind its creation can be found at


Hazy, Hot, Humid - the 3 "H's" of south central PA

Morning Walk - 6:15 am - Lamp Post Lane Entrance


Sunset from Orrs Bridge

He's (she?) Back - Bald Eagle 8:30 am 6/17/10

Heard crazy bird noise out back this morning. Looked out to see two crows harrassing the bald eagle in flight. What can they be thinking? That bad boy is at least 3 to 4 times their size..........


Eagle's Dinner 6/16/10

Early evening sighting of younger bald eagle (some dark markings still evident on its head). Caught 3 fish and dined across the creek from my backyard on Lamp Post Lane (Hampden Twp - off Orrs Bridge Rd). 2nd sighting in the last couple of weeks. Quality of pic is a bit lacking - need a higher powered telephoto.



The Colors of the Creek

An overcast "post-rain" spring morning makes the fresh colors "pop" along the creek. Other evidence that spring is well underway - the return and sighting of our first hummingbirds for 2010.


Yard Sale - Spring 2010

Our Spring 2010 Yard Sale - blessed with wonderful weather, lots of shoppers and many wonderful bargains.

3 special ladies are going the "extra miles" for a wonderful cause. Yes - the sign caught my attention - as it was surely intended to do - actually I almost fell off my bike trying to stop quickly when I saw it. It was a unique diversion on yard sale day......


Neighborhood Run.....

This was posted on the Pine Brook ListServ. For those who "can" this looks like a great opportunity to "hit the streets" with your neighbors......I didn't post Maurice's e-mail addy here, you can probably contact him by phone. His # should be in the Pine Brook directory. For those who run - have fun and definitely post pics for others to enjoy........

Hi everyone,

I wanted to pass along that June 2nd is National Running Day:

I am by no means a good runner, or in great shape, but I'd think it'd be a blast if we could get a big group of people in our neighborhood out for a jog (or two! One in the morning and one in the evening) on that day. We can take pictures, post them online, and have a good time.

I'm not looking for a race, or even to run fast, just a nice jog with my neighbors enjoying the weather, the sights, and each other's company.

Please let me know if you're interested, and we'll firm up plans.

Thanks, and take care.

Maurice (Reeves)


We Are A Neighborhood

from a recent posting on our ListServ - a great reminder of the fabric of Pine Brook...

Hello neighbors,

And I say that in a positive way lest we forget we are a neighborhood. There's always going to be good and bad...but in the event we are forgetting, let me remind you of some of the good we are overlooking from our neighbors.

I know a week or so ago, myself as well as many others benefitted from (one neighbor) kindly sharing many of his plants that he dug out and split for the taking. (Other neighbors) have had an open door policy on their house allowing many of us to enjoy the miracle of 10 little puppies, which some of us might not otherwise get to experience. There's always someone to call to enjoy a walk around the neighborhood and appreciate the landscaping in the parks that our neighbors have donated their time and efforts to beautify. I've seen more kids and parents getting together to enjoy each others company or a quick pick up game in the park. When we were unable to even see the parks for the huge amounts of snow....our neighbor with a snow blower kindly plowed us out and I know many others went along the street to help out those who might have had a hard time shoveling. I think the list is endless...

Yes, we will always have animals running around and hopefully a reminder every once in awhile will help us be more conscientious of our responsibilites...And let's face it, kids are kids, they are going to run around and be kids and isn't it nice for those of us that have kids to think we have a great neighborhood where they can do that. I'm sure for every negative we could find two positives about Pine Brook and wouldn't it be nice to see those examples on the listserv more often.


Floating the Creek

Great tip from one of our neighbors. Looking to organize a flotilla down the mighty Conodoguinet this summer. Here's a source for innertubes - last year Highlands Tire in Carlisle was selling them for $20 each, perfectly good innertubes for either floating or snow, and they'll last a heck of a lot longer than anything available through Toys-R-Us or elsewhere. Might be worth giving them a call. Link is:


Walk a Mile in Their Shoes.......


This Friday and Saturday.

Dig through those closets, cabinets and drawers. Scour the basement, garage and attic. Don't forget to get some change for those buyers who hit MAC on their way to the sale and only have $20 bills in their pockets.

And spread the word to family, friends and coworkers that the treasures of Pine Brook will likely be available "for a limited time only".........


Yard Sale Time

Less than two weeks away.  Time to declutter.


A Monster Called Mulch

It was a dark and stormy night and a monster lurked in the street.............well, actually it was 4:30 pm and the sky was only cloudy.......but there was a monster.......a monster pile of 20 cubic yards of tanbark that had to be put away!!

And by 6:15 pm, everything was calm and peaceful once again as the crack team of Pine Brook residents dropped their shovels and headed for the cookies which were their reward for slaying the terrible tanbark. (OK, enough of that)

I would like to give a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the folks who showed up today despite the possibility of rain.......and we just made it with 20 minutes to spare before the rain hit.

The folks who helped were:  Karl Smith, Bill Wall, Dan Schuckers, Louis Waddell, Terry Wright, Billy Fish, Guy Brunt, Floyd Sollenberger, Joe Dippel, Wayne Kessler and Mike Anderson. With this many helpers - that 20 yards of tanbark didn't stand a chance.

The park looks great, so please go check out Hidden Park and have some fun. For parents with strollers.....the pathway into the park will be a little hard to navigate until the tanbark gets settled down a be ready for that.

Thanks again for everyone who came out to help. It could not have been done as quickly and easily without you.

Talk to later,

Dave Fish
Postscript - thanks to Dave Fish for once again coordinating this effort.  These things don't get done without someone taking the lead and "making it happen".  Almost forgot - Dave the lemonade and cookies were appreciated.


Let's Go Play in the Mulch......

Hidden Park Mulching Party - Friday 4/16/10 - 5:00 pm - bring shovels, wheelbarrows, good humor and strong backs - come and enjoy the camaraderie with your neighbors....

Please join in - and spread the word.........


Springtime in the "Hood"

Pine Brook is a beautiful neighborhood year round, but it really shines in the Spring....


Wildflowers Are Popping

The wildflowers are beginning to pop along the bike path. Take a walk and enjoy Mother Nature at taken 4-2-10.....

Neighborhood Sales Activity Update


Spreading Color Throughout the Neighborhood

Many thanks to my neighbors who agreed to become foster parents for many of the perennials from my backyard. I hope you enjoy them as much as we have. I'll be looking for some fresh colors throughout the neighborhood as I take my bike rides. Here's a sampling of what left my yard today......


Condition of Orrs Bridge and Carlisle Pike Intersection

One of our concerned neighbors was kind enough to share some thoughts and information with us...........

Dear neighbors,

The "washboarding" condition and deep transverse ruts at the top of Orr's Bridge are becoming worse. We have witnessed several vehicles nearly losing control as they try to negotiate the severe rocking which they are subjected to.

I called our Asst. Manager, Keith, here in Hampden Twp to express this as a serious hazard. He said he could not give any timeline for having this fixed. He knows it is bad.

He said it would require "milling" and possibly work on realigning the bridge over the Conodoguinet.

This work might perhaps come in 2 years. But basically there are no plans to address this now.

I think that as citizens, we should request that the "milling" of the deep ruts and dangerous washboarding be fixed this summer.

It was clear from my conversation with him that complaints about this condition from many, many citizens might help.

So...please call Hampden Twp...ask for the Manager or Asst. Manager and ask that this be fixed now. The phone number is: 761-0119.

We hope that there will not be any fatal accidents in the meantime.

Neighborhood Connections

Phone Directory Cover Art Contest


This summer we'll be publishing the next Pine Brook Civic Association Directory. Two years ago we had a contest for the kids in the neighborhood to provide the cover art for the PBCA Directory, and it worked out great, as Kaleigh Strohl's drawing shows on the directory cover. So, we've decided to do it again. Here are the rules:

Open to any resident of Pine Brook under the age of 14.

The winning art will have to be printed in black and white, so artwork should be created to best take advantage of that requirement.

Artwork must be accompanied with artist's name, address, and age.

One entry per person.

Artwork will have to fit within a print space of 4 inches wide by 4 and one half inches high. Original art can be larger and we'll scan and reduce the size, however, artists should know that if the art is too large, or the detail too small, prior to shrinking the graphic, those details may be hard to see in the final cover version.

Artwork must be flat. We will have to scan the original for inclusion on the Directory, so it absolutely must be flat. Paintings, drawings, collages, etc., are great as long as they are flat.

Artwork must somehow represent the Pine Brook neighborhood. This may include the parks, creek, trees, general view of homes, and nonspecific images of people.

Entries must be submitted by May 31st, 2010, to Wayne Kessler, 211 Lamp Post Lane, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. The cover selection will be determined by the PBCA Board at the following board meeting. All artwork will be returned to the artists if names and addresses are provided.

We will provide reference of the winner in our newsletter and in the directory. Identity of the winner will be specified in accordance with the wishes of the artist, parents of the artist and the PBCA Board.

There's a 25 dollar gift card for the winner. Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.

Wayne Kessler
Directory guy for PBCA


March Madness in Pine Brook

Sent out by Wayne Kessler on our ListServ:

I did this last year as well. I've set up a pool on Yahoo! for Pine Brook residents so we can see who's the best at figuring out who will win the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament this year. No prize other than the respect of your basketball fanatic neighbors... You can join i...n (if you have a Yahoo login - if you don't have one, it's easy and free to set one up) at



Sunday, March 10, 2010

Yes neighbors - these are from the! I did.......


Annual Dues are "Due"

Got my dues notice. Yup - only $50 for the entire year! Being in the real estate business I have to tell you - $50 is a bargain - especially considering the return you get in having one of the more attractive and desirable older neighborhoods in the area.

Please join me and many other neighbors in supporting our neighborhood.  Thanks.


Please mark these events on your calendar....

Thanks to Dave Fish for sharing this calendar of events and key dates for 2010 for our neighborhood....

Feb 28 – Dues letter goes out. $50 annual dues. Please make checks payable to PBCA. Ramon Marin, 541 Lamp Post Ln, is the new PBCA Treasurer.

April 1 – Deadline for neighborhood annual dues.

April 16 – Friday evening Mulch day and party at Hidden Park 5-8pm Adults can BYOB. (Saturday as rain date 4-7 pm.)

April 30, May 1 – Spring Yard sale

September 11 – Picnic (tentatively)?

October 4 – Annual Meeting

October 15, 16 – Fall yard sale

October 23 or 24– Pumpkin Patch at Pavilion Park (Saturday or Sunday?)

Dec. ? – Caroling – Need a volunteer to organize this

Dec 24 – Neighborhood luminaries

Seeking New Neighbors.....Please Help

Our neighbors need our help.  If you know of someone who would like to join us in Pine Brook, please share this information with them.  Thanks.

For more information on this wonderful property please click on the link that follows:


It Is A Great Neighborhood...

Over the last week or so there have been many expressions of gratitude on our ListServ for the wonderful neighbors in Pine Brook.  The following posting by one of our neighbors sums up the feeling of included:

"Dear Neighbors,

What a wonderful community Pine Brook is! During the two snow storms and the aftermath, we have witnessed and personally felt such generosity of spirit and help given to us and others. The storms were remarkable...but you, our wonderful neighbors are even more remarkable.

Thank you is such a small phrase...but it is deeply felt and comes from our hearts to each of yours! We so proud to live among such terrific people!"

Thank you fellow Pine Brookers.


Fun Sighting 12/27/09

Thanks to neighbor Norm Nicklas for sharing this great pic of a fox playing in his backyard the Sunday after Christmas. He reports there were 2 healthy fox at play. Enjoy!