
Neighborhood Run.....

This was posted on the Pine Brook ListServ. For those who "can" this looks like a great opportunity to "hit the streets" with your neighbors......I didn't post Maurice's e-mail addy here, you can probably contact him by phone. His # should be in the Pine Brook directory. For those who run - have fun and definitely post pics for others to enjoy........

Hi everyone,

I wanted to pass along that June 2nd is National Running Day:

I am by no means a good runner, or in great shape, but I'd think it'd be a blast if we could get a big group of people in our neighborhood out for a jog (or two! One in the morning and one in the evening) on that day. We can take pictures, post them online, and have a good time.

I'm not looking for a race, or even to run fast, just a nice jog with my neighbors enjoying the weather, the sights, and each other's company.

Please let me know if you're interested, and we'll firm up plans.

Thanks, and take care.

Maurice (Reeves)

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