
A Monster Called Mulch

It was a dark and stormy night and a monster lurked in the street.............well, actually it was 4:30 pm and the sky was only cloudy.......but there was a monster.......a monster pile of 20 cubic yards of tanbark that had to be put away!!

And by 6:15 pm, everything was calm and peaceful once again as the crack team of Pine Brook residents dropped their shovels and headed for the cookies which were their reward for slaying the terrible tanbark. (OK, enough of that)

I would like to give a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the folks who showed up today despite the possibility of rain.......and we just made it with 20 minutes to spare before the rain hit.

The folks who helped were:  Karl Smith, Bill Wall, Dan Schuckers, Louis Waddell, Terry Wright, Billy Fish, Guy Brunt, Floyd Sollenberger, Joe Dippel, Wayne Kessler and Mike Anderson. With this many helpers - that 20 yards of tanbark didn't stand a chance.

The park looks great, so please go check out Hidden Park and have some fun. For parents with strollers.....the pathway into the park will be a little hard to navigate until the tanbark gets settled down a be ready for that.

Thanks again for everyone who came out to help. It could not have been done as quickly and easily without you.

Talk to later,

Dave Fish
Postscript - thanks to Dave Fish for once again coordinating this effort.  These things don't get done without someone taking the lead and "making it happen".  Almost forgot - Dave the lemonade and cookies were appreciated.

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