
We Are A Neighborhood

from a recent posting on our ListServ - a great reminder of the fabric of Pine Brook...

Hello neighbors,

And I say that in a positive way lest we forget we are a neighborhood. There's always going to be good and bad...but in the event we are forgetting, let me remind you of some of the good we are overlooking from our neighbors.

I know a week or so ago, myself as well as many others benefitted from (one neighbor) kindly sharing many of his plants that he dug out and split for the taking. (Other neighbors) have had an open door policy on their house allowing many of us to enjoy the miracle of 10 little puppies, which some of us might not otherwise get to experience. There's always someone to call to enjoy a walk around the neighborhood and appreciate the landscaping in the parks that our neighbors have donated their time and efforts to beautify. I've seen more kids and parents getting together to enjoy each others company or a quick pick up game in the park. When we were unable to even see the parks for the huge amounts of snow....our neighbor with a snow blower kindly plowed us out and I know many others went along the street to help out those who might have had a hard time shoveling. I think the list is endless...

Yes, we will always have animals running around and hopefully a reminder every once in awhile will help us be more conscientious of our responsibilites...And let's face it, kids are kids, they are going to run around and be kids and isn't it nice for those of us that have kids to think we have a great neighborhood where they can do that. I'm sure for every negative we could find two positives about Pine Brook and wouldn't it be nice to see those examples on the listserv more often.


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