
Condition of Orrs Bridge and Carlisle Pike Intersection

One of our concerned neighbors was kind enough to share some thoughts and information with us...........

Dear neighbors,

The "washboarding" condition and deep transverse ruts at the top of Orr's Bridge are becoming worse. We have witnessed several vehicles nearly losing control as they try to negotiate the severe rocking which they are subjected to.

I called our Asst. Manager, Keith, here in Hampden Twp to express this as a serious hazard. He said he could not give any timeline for having this fixed. He knows it is bad.

He said it would require "milling" and possibly work on realigning the bridge over the Conodoguinet.

This work might perhaps come in 2 years. But basically there are no plans to address this now.

I think that as citizens, we should request that the "milling" of the deep ruts and dangerous washboarding be fixed this summer.

It was clear from my conversation with him that complaints about this condition from many, many citizens might help.

So...please call Hampden Twp...ask for the Manager or Asst. Manager and ask that this be fixed now. The phone number is: 761-0119.

We hope that there will not be any fatal accidents in the meantime.

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