
Phone Directory Cover Art Contest


This summer we'll be publishing the next Pine Brook Civic Association Directory. Two years ago we had a contest for the kids in the neighborhood to provide the cover art for the PBCA Directory, and it worked out great, as Kaleigh Strohl's drawing shows on the directory cover. So, we've decided to do it again. Here are the rules:

Open to any resident of Pine Brook under the age of 14.

The winning art will have to be printed in black and white, so artwork should be created to best take advantage of that requirement.

Artwork must be accompanied with artist's name, address, and age.

One entry per person.

Artwork will have to fit within a print space of 4 inches wide by 4 and one half inches high. Original art can be larger and we'll scan and reduce the size, however, artists should know that if the art is too large, or the detail too small, prior to shrinking the graphic, those details may be hard to see in the final cover version.

Artwork must be flat. We will have to scan the original for inclusion on the Directory, so it absolutely must be flat. Paintings, drawings, collages, etc., are great as long as they are flat.

Artwork must somehow represent the Pine Brook neighborhood. This may include the parks, creek, trees, general view of homes, and nonspecific images of people.

Entries must be submitted by May 31st, 2010, to Wayne Kessler, 211 Lamp Post Lane, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. The cover selection will be determined by the PBCA Board at the following board meeting. All artwork will be returned to the artists if names and addresses are provided.

We will provide reference of the winner in our newsletter and in the directory. Identity of the winner will be specified in accordance with the wishes of the artist, parents of the artist and the PBCA Board.

There's a 25 dollar gift card for the winner. Feel free to contact me at wayne@penncen.com if you have any questions.

Wayne Kessler
Directory guy for PBCA

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