
Keeping the Neighborhood Clean

We're blessed with a beautiful neighborhood and good neighbors that take care of it. There are always opportunities to keep it looking great - things that take little effort - just thought. One suggestion - we have a wealth of walkers throughout the neighborhood. Many of us are already prepared to accommodate this suggestion - we carry plastic bags to clean up after our critters. Others will require a little initiative - to take a plastic bag along with you on your walks. The second and most important thing we need to initiate is stopping, bending at the knees or from the waist to reach down, snatch and bag that piece of trash we encounter along our journey. I'm not yet a conscientious "trash picker-upper" but have had the light go on intermittently as I pass that same smashed beer can for the 3rd or 4th time in the week. I smack myself - pick it up - put it in the bag I carry for walking Kelsey and dispose of it properly when I get home.

If you get the newspaper delivered, the bags are free. If you don't and you embrace this approach, ask a neighbor to share their newspaper bags with you. One caution - please don't pick anything up that looks hazardous. Please be careful.

If we'd each just pick up one piece of trash each time we walk, think of the difference we can make. Together we can maintain and even enhance our beautiful neighborhood.

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