


Keeping the Neighborhood Clean

We're blessed with a beautiful neighborhood and good neighbors that take care of it. There are always opportunities to keep it looking great - things that take little effort - just thought. One suggestion - we have a wealth of walkers throughout the neighborhood. Many of us are already prepared to accommodate this suggestion - we carry plastic bags to clean up after our critters. Others will require a little initiative - to take a plastic bag along with you on your walks. The second and most important thing we need to initiate is stopping, bending at the knees or from the waist to reach down, snatch and bag that piece of trash we encounter along our journey. I'm not yet a conscientious "trash picker-upper" but have had the light go on intermittently as I pass that same smashed beer can for the 3rd or 4th time in the week. I smack myself - pick it up - put it in the bag I carry for walking Kelsey and dispose of it properly when I get home.

If you get the newspaper delivered, the bags are free. If you don't and you embrace this approach, ask a neighbor to share their newspaper bags with you. One caution - please don't pick anything up that looks hazardous. Please be careful.

If we'd each just pick up one piece of trash each time we walk, think of the difference we can make. Together we can maintain and even enhance our beautiful neighborhood.


Our First Snow 2008

Overnight our neighborhood turned to "Black and White"
(these are color pictures)


Somethings Are So Predictable

Our neighborhood has its share of joggers, bike riders and walkers (with and without their 4-legged companions). We have an opportunity to meet and greet our neighbors if we happen to be outside when one comes by. But there are two periods during the year that we increase the odds of connecting with the neighbors - Fall leaf clean-up and immediately following any measurable snow. Then we all come out - usually Sunday afternoons before Monday's leaf pick-up or the morning following a snowfall. These are times when you'll often see neighbors pitching in to help neighbors. Times when relationships are built and others rekindled. This is what a neighborhood is all about.

(the photo above was taken this Fall. The identity of the "raker" is not being revealed in order to protect the "innocent" - or in this case the "not so innocent")


Fall Color


What's the Real Estate Market Like In Our Neighborhood? (data as of 11/18/08)

One thing we're all interested in is the relative value of our homes and our neighborhood. To help you have a better sense of that I will periodically publish the sales activity for our neighborhood as reflected in the Central Penn Multi List. Please note - this data will not include information on homes "For Sale By Owner" - only those listed through a Realtor and published in the Multi List. If anyone attempting to sell their home themselves would like to be included in my list of homes for sale, please forward the information to me and I'll gladly add it to my updates.

If anyone would like additional information or has questions about any of these properties, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Pine Brook Fall Colors

Welcome Neighbors (Past, Present and Future)

Ahhhh, Pine Brook!!!!

If you once lived or currently live here you understand what I mean. As one of Hampden Township's older developments we have matured into a cozy, friendly and desirable neighborhood of 400+ homes. My wife and I have lived here since 1985 and have enjoyed every minute of it.

The intent of this blog is to share our collective appreciations for our little niche in Cumberland County. The purpose is that this be a blog for all of us where we can share thoughts, observations, images and information about the neighborhood. Initially I'm asking anyone with input to the blog to share that with me via e-mail ( for posting. Depending on the volume of input I will consider opening the blog to direct input from all.

One regular feature of this blog will be periodic updates to information on houses for sale or recently sold in Pine Brook. As a Realtor I am often asked what a house down the street is listed for or what another one sold for. We all have an interest. It gives us a sense of value for our own homes and our neighborhood.

So, please visit the blog often and send your comments, images and information to me to share with all readers. Thanks. I hope to see you in the neighborhood soon.