
Tis the Season....No, Not That One Yet

I find Fall to be a unique time in and about our neighborhood. We all suddenly emerge from our backyards or out from in front of the football game on TV and congregate along the streets for the annual ritual of the "Raking of the Leaves". It's actually kind of fun. I've seen and met more neighbors in the last week than I have probably all summer - and I'm out and about a lot.

The 2nd Fall event that seems to bring Pine Brookers together is the "Gathering at the Polls". It's always fun to catch up with neighbors when we go to cast our ballots. It's especially great to see the number of Pine Brookers who volunteer their time at the polls - keeping the democratic process alive..

I guess the next opportunity for large turnout of neighbors will be the first big snow - and as much as I enjoy catching up with the neighbors I hope Mother Nature chooses to keep the flakes to herself this year.

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