
A Nose for Things

As I stumbled around the neighborhood in the dark this morning (yes, an early morning walk), I was reminded of the days when I was growing up, playing in a pile of leaves. The memory wasn't as much about the crumbled leaves that ended up down the back of my shirt as it was the "wonderful" smell that emanated from that pile. I experienced that smell again this morning walking past the piles waiting streetside to be picked up.

It's funny the associations one makes. As I thought about the smell of those leaves, I began to think some other smells of Mother Nature - the crispness in the air from that first snowfall - the freshness created by April showers - and one I always look forward to - the smell of fresh mown grass in the spring.

Sometimes it's just fun to walk outside and close your eyes - then listen and smell. It's a great perspective.

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