

The Illumination on Conestoga - Christmas Eve

Thanks to Ed Lukanuski for sharing the following pics showing some of the Christmas Eve lights in his area of Pine Brook.....


Picture Yourself in a Christmas Ball..........

I was fascinated with the reflection of the trees in this Christmas Ball along Orrs Bridge.  Just couldn't figure out how to take the pic without me in it.  Oh well!




Our Entry - Decorations FUrther Enhanced by Mother Nature

You Guys Put the "Neighbor" in "Neighborhood"

What a neighborhood! Sometimes adversity and snowstorms can bring out the best in people. I witnessed and experienced how great neighbors can be as we all pitched in - helping each other dig out this weekend. I also tip my hat to fellow Pine Brook'ers offering assistance to those of us temporarily without water. Thanks neighbors - for everything.


Day 2 - The Clean-Up

While the adults work.....

....the kids play...

But, that's the way it should be.....


Snow Bowl 2009

No - this is not one of the Green Bay Packers-Detroit Lions snow bowls from years past. Rather it's Pine Brook fathers and sons battling it out on the Pavillion Park gridiron this snowy Saturday, December 19.

The Dads seem to be lagging behind all the action....

This center has a little growing to do before he's ready for his NFL debut.....but hey - he's gettin the job done with enthusiasm.....


It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year......

....just imagine it's Andy Williams singing the song - not me (not a pretty thought)


Holiday House Tour

Get some fresh air and exercise this Sunday while supporting a special organization - not to mention adding to your festive holiday feeling. Check out this opportunity.


Happy Holidays

It won’t be long before your postal and e-mail boxes will hopefully be filled with holiday greetings. This is a magical time of year. I hope you have the opportunity to fully enjoy that magic. /guy

This Saturday - Christmas is for Kids - Big & Small

Snow Plows and Backboards

We are reminded once again by the township to make sure we roll back our basketball backboards from the curb when we finish that heated game of "HORSE".  Backboards are expensive to replace - snow plows even more expensive.

The "Morning Newspaper Walk".....

.....a familiar sight in the neighborhood this morning.....


Checking Out the Neighborhood

Some night bundle up the family and take a walk (or a drive) around the neighborhood.  Each day more and more decorations pop up giving our neighborhood a very festive feel.  Enjoy.


Christmas 2009 - Out & About in the Neighborhood

If you look closely you can see the photographer in each ball - sorry - couldn't be avoided.


Snow Will Never Keep a Dog from Its Appointed Route

Like the postman - nothing deters a dog from its walk - not even the first snow of the season.  "Caught" this "walk" on the back lane to Grandon Farms (off of Sears Run Drive) early this afternoon.

Red Skies in the Morning Bring The First Snow

Yes - the snows came one day after the morning red skies.....


"Red sky in the morning......" the saying goes. Could this December 4th sunrise be the harbinger of our first snow of the season? There's nothing much more stunning to me than sunrises or sunsets over a body of water. "My" piece of the Conodoguinet is an everchanging canvas for the creator of magnificent displays.



Pine Brook "Decked Out"

I happened to take this pic during my early morning walk yesterday. Clearly the hard work of someone in the neighborhood had caught my attention. Thanks to our Association Pres - Jacquie for identifying the "worker bees" and extending a neighborhood "thanks" as follows:

 "MANY thanks to Chuck and Yvonne Abela, Lee Morrison, Ramon Marin, and his daughter Evie (sp?), for their help yesterday putting up the Holiday decorations!!!!! Nobody fell off the ladder and the Entrance looks very festive!!! Thanks to you all. Jacquie"

Yes - it looks very festive! Thanks guys!



Update on Condition of the Orrs Bridge

As noted in an earlier entry (October) to this site, I had querried Hampden Twp on the condition of the walking deck and safety railing on the Orrs Bridge. Thanks to Mike Gossert, our Township Manager for following up with Cumberland County (it's a County bridge) and sharing this response with me.
(the two page letter below is in jpeg format. Just click on each page to magnify the page to read)


Strange Migratory Pattern

During my morning walk I noticed one of our neighbors on Lamp Post Lane had obviously done something special to attract this flock of unusual visitors.


Anticipating the Worst

Are we ready for this? The older I get the "less ready" I am.......


A Nose for Things

As I stumbled around the neighborhood in the dark this morning (yes, an early morning walk), I was reminded of the days when I was growing up, playing in a pile of leaves. The memory wasn't as much about the crumbled leaves that ended up down the back of my shirt as it was the "wonderful" smell that emanated from that pile. I experienced that smell again this morning walking past the piles waiting streetside to be picked up.

It's funny the associations one makes. As I thought about the smell of those leaves, I began to think some other smells of Mother Nature - the crispness in the air from that first snowfall - the freshness created by April showers - and one I always look forward to - the smell of fresh mown grass in the spring.

Sometimes it's just fun to walk outside and close your eyes - then listen and smell. It's a great perspective.