
Holiday Whimsy

The whimsical Blue Dog art of George Rodrigue


Holiday Wishes to My Neighbors

Wishing you peace, joy, health and happiness
this holiday season and throughout the coming year.


When the Bow Bends...............

Early morning along a Pine Brook sidewalk............


A Request On Behalf of Your Taller Than Average Neighbors

I was reminded tonite as I took our dog, Kelsey, for a walk that I have to be careful in certain areas where neighbors haven't trimmed their tree branches over the sidewalk up high enough. When there are leaves on the trees you can see to dodge the branches. But when the leaves are off and it's dark out, it gets hazardous.

I know the township has regulations, but all I ask is that we show our neighbors the courtesy of trimming high enough to avoid any potential eye damage to us walkers.

If you have a neighbor that doesn't have the tools or the ability to trim theirs, please offer to help. The last thing we want in the neighborhood is an accident that can be avoided.

On behalf of us taller sidewalk walkers - "thanks".

Special Announcement - Hidden Park Playground Delayed Two Hours This Morning


Water Pressure Saga Continues

Nothing better than a little controversy to wake up a neighborhood. The saga of PAWC’s water pressure increase continues. Thanks to all who have gotten involved. Sometimes we need to speak up, have our concerns understood and to "push back". And as Yogi Berra says, "it ain’t over till it’s over".


Hampden Twp Construction Work At Treatment Plant

Guess I still have a lot of "little kid" in me. I'm still fascinated with trucks and playing in the dirt. A couple of weeks ago I was on a walk down Lamp Post and out the bike path and came upon some "big boys toys" down by the treatment plant. Hampden Twp is redirecting some of the "stuff" to another treatment site and this work is all part of the new pipeline being laid.


Often Overlooked But Always Appreciated

Our Pine Brook Civic Association leadership and several volunteers deserve way more credit than they often receive. I'm guilty of not saying "thank you" often enough. I'm always reminded of the investment they make when I drive by the entrance at Orrs Bridge and Lamp Post - especially during the holidays when the decorations go up - welcoming neighbors, visitors and passersby to our great little community within a community.

My personal thanks to all who contribute their time and energy to make our neighborhood a joy in which to live.


New Listing in the Neighborhood

As is often the case, as soon as I post an update the list changes. Since I just posted the update yesterday and my intention is to "refresh" the list bi-weekly I didn't want this new listing to wait that long. Just listed today: 3802 Candlelight Drive - $314,900


It's Beginning To Look..........

.....very holiday-like throughout the neighborhood. I took a walk Saturday evening and am impressed with the decorating that has already taken place. If you have a picture of a favorite decoration, please send it to me at and I'll post it for all to enjoy. Thanks.