
Rainy Fall Morning "In the Hood"

An otherwise dreary day for a jog turns magical with the colors of fall.
Enjoy the day!
Get out and play!


I thought I'd share with my followers the recent exchange I had with Hampden Township regarding the condition of the Orrs Bridge. It provides some insights on the prospect of things to come......

My e-mail to the Township

Subject: Orrs Bridge - A Neighbor's Perspective

An observation- for what it’s worth. I don’t need to expound on the importance of Orrs Bridge to the traffic flow and access to a significant portion of Hampden Township. I also lack credentials to comment on the physical soundness and safety of the structure itself. But what I do know is that the deteriorating conditions of the walkway and the safety railings along that walkway pose a risk to pedestrians crossing the bridge on foot or on bicycle (yes - with the heavy traffic conditions on the bridge more and more bicyclists seem to be using the walkway).

As homeowners we are required to maintain our sidewalks and curbs in the interest of public safety. I think it’s time someone evaluates the condition of the Orrs Bridge walkway and take whatever corrective action is required – before someone gets hurt. I don’t know if the bridge is State or Township responsibility – but I hope my Township has a vested interest regardless. And as much of a pain as it may be for those of us who use the Bridge multiple times on a daily basis – I would welcome slight traffic tie-ups while repairs are being made.

Below are some pictures I just took yesterday.

Thanks for your consideration. /guy

Thanks to Hampden Township for the prompt response as follows:
Good morning Guy,

I have forwarded your complaint onto Cumberland County since they are the owners of the bridge and are responsible for maintenance.

I will also let you know that earlier this year we submitted this bridge to PennDOT for possible replacement. The bridge is the number 2 priority for repair/replacement in the County. We have submitted a request to have the replacement/repair funded by the federal stimulus money. We are still waiting to hear the results of this submission.



Michael H. Gossert
Hampden Township Manager
230 S. Sporting Hill Road
Mechanicsburg PA 17050
717 761-0119