
Ever Get Lost in the Neighborhood????

click on map to enlarge


Please Think of Me..........

Dear Friends - Question for you – Would you feel comfortable introducing me to people who you care about who could use my help?

If so, the next time you’re in a conversation with a family member, friend or neighbor and they mention that they’re considering buying or selling a home (here or elsewhere), would you feel comfortable introducing them to me?

I hope you would. When that happens, please take out your cell phone, look up my number (by the way my cell # is 717-579-1613 if you don’t already have it stored in your phone) and call me immediately. I’d love to help that person.

And yes – thanks for keeping me in mind.


Everybody's Friend

It's funny - many of us know the names of the dogs in the neighborhood, but have no idea what the dog's people's names are. Perhaps you knew Kelsey. I hope you were lucky enough to have met her. She and I covered many miles of sidewalk and streets in and around Pine Brook over the last 11 1/2 years.

She lived for the moment. She lived for our touch.
Always a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face.
She played hard.Yet was as gentle as they come.
Her love and devotion were never in question.
She never met anyone or anything she didn’t like.
Our wish is that everyone experience a “Kelsey” sometime in their life.
It’s been a special relationship that we will cherish forever.
Be at peace our special “Girl”.
January 23, 1998 – June 29, 2009