
A Time for Vigilence

I'm sitting in Tucson, AZ reading our ListServ posts from back home - disturbed that such needless acts of destruction are taking place in our wonderful neighborhood. This brings back memories of the mailbox bashing tirade we were subjected to many years ago. We broke that string of bashings when one of the neighbors, up late at nite, heard yet another "thump" on a mailbox and called the Township police in time to apprehend the culprits.

Neighbors helping neighbors. That's what will likely lead to the apprehension of the current vandals. Our best bet is to reduce the opportunity for vandalism - park our cars in our garages or at least in our driveways and keep a watchful eye and ear out for any suspicious activity. There is no excuse or logical explanation for the behavior of the vandals. Together let's bring them under control.


Cumberland officials delay reassessment

Citing an unstable economy and uncertainty in the housing market, Cumberland County commissioners voted 2-1 Thursday to impose a one-year delay in the ongoing property reassessment.


The decision by Cumberland County commissioners to delay property reassessment means:
Reassessment will take effect in January 2011 and assessments will reflect a property's market value as of Jan. 1, 2010.

Notices of new assessments will be issued starting in March 2010 and property owners will be able to contest them.

The county and its municipalities will be allowed to increase their property tax income by no more than 5 percent for 2011. A 10 percent cap is set for school districts.

(excerpted from 1/23/09)


Cumberland County Might Delay Real Estate Reassessments

Today's Patriot News reports that Cumberland County commissioners are reconsidering continuing with the real estate reassessment process that is currently underway. Concern over the softening of the real estate market is driving this reconsideration. A special meeting on reassessment will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday (1/15/08) at the Cumberland County courthouse in Carlisle. This meeting is open to the public.


No Better Way To Start A New Year..........

....than with a "pet peeve".

We all know we have a great neighborhood - somewhat secluded - no real "through traffic". I'm not sure who had the forethought (the Township or our Civic Association?) but someone strategically placed STOP signs at intervals along Lamp Post Lane to slow we drivers down and provide additional safety to pedestrians and critters.

As a regular walker (and there are many of us) I witness the blatant disregard of these stops signs on an all too frequent basis. Fortunately most of we walkers practice "defensive walking" and keep an eye out for those on four wheels who are not so conscious or careful.

To the best of my knowledge we have not had any incidents, but that is never an excuse to not drive safely and obey the signs.

Please help keep oyur neighborhood safe. Please obey the speed limits and the STOP signs. And please encourage your guests and visitors to our neighborhood to do the same. Thanks for your consideration.